Six tips you need to know to successfully submit your thesis!

Date published 29 April 2024
Date modified 29 April 2024

The thesis submission deadline is fast approaching for students; most have only a month to go. To further help you submit a great thesis, we share six essential tips you need to know before submitting your thesis. That way, you'll increase your chances of getting the highest possible grade! And let's face it, who doesn't want that?


  1. Have you answered the main question and sub-questions?

Often after a few months, students lose the thread a bit when it comes to the original questions they asked at the beginning of their thesis.

So before you submit your thesis, it is wise to take another look at those main and sub-questions and check that you have answered them clearly in the relevant chapters. Can you confirm this? Great, then you can tick off this point. If not, it's time to address any gaps in answering your main and sub-questions.


  1. Empower your thesis company with actionable insights!

After months of dedicated work on your thesis, conducting research and turning the results into a compelling conclusion, you now face a crucial step: writing the recommendations and implementation plan.

What exactly can your thesis company do with the insights from your research? In what ways should they use your findings? These questions are not only important for the company, but your thesis supervisor(s) will look at them critically. Formulate a clear and executable plan to ensure that your thesis does not go unused in a drawer.


  1. Advanced academic language

In addition to the content of your thesis, academic language is of great importance to many colleges and universities. Some institutions check the entire document for language use, while others limit themselves to a few pages. It is possible that your thesis will be rejected because of poor language use, such as the use of forbidden words, dt errors or unclear sentences. Fortunately, there are language experts who can support you in this regard. At Scribbr, you can have your thesis reviewed for language, structure, consistency and even APA source citation.


  1. Prevent Plagiarism

You are probably aware that it is essential to back up all of your written work in your thesis with sources. But it can be challenging to properly cite these sources. Although there are several style guides, the APA style is by far the most commonly used.

Before submitting your thesis, it is crucial to check that all sources are carefully listed in the text and bibliography. Scribbr has set up a tool that can help you do this: the APA generator. With an accurate citation of sources, you will easily pass the plagiarism check, as educational institutions are very strict when it comes to plagiarism.


  1. Correct references for all elements

It is critical that you refer to the figures, tables and appendices you have included in your thesis. A common mistake is to not mention these elements in the text, leaving the reader, including your reviewer, wondering about their significance and how they contribute to your research.

By referencing specific figures, tables and appendices, you give the reader the opportunity to understand the context and relevance of these elements in the context of your research. This not only helps clarify your arguments and findings, but also increases the credibility and professionalism of your work. Fortunately, software such as Word offers the ability to automatically add captions and numbering to figures and tables, allowing you to easily generate an overview of all included elements. This not only helps organize your thesis, but also ensures that your references are consistent and accurate.

  1. The importance of a strong thesis title

The title of your thesis is like a business card for your work. It is often the first thing your reviewer sees and can have a big impact on the first impression of your paper. While it may seem easy to come up with a title, it is actually quite a challenge to find one that is not only original and clear, but also captures the essence of your research in a catchy way.

While it's true that the title by itself won't earn you extra points, a strong title can pique your reviewer's interest and get them excited to read on. It can also indicate the accuracy and attention to detail found in the rest of your thesis. In short, it definitely pays to spend some extra time and attention to come up with a title that does your work justice and gives your thesis a good start!


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